Years in Mechanical Engineering多年的机械工程专业
Jiangmen PG international --- specialize in
polishing materials for more
than ten years, with the strength of SISAL & COTTON BUFF
is the most professional and competitive supplier in
We are headquartered in Hong Kong, the branch is set up in Heshan city, Guangdong Province. Leading by European polishing & grinding experts. 江⻔市PG抛光器材有限公司,公司总部位于⾹港,分公司设⽴在⼴东省鹤⼭市,是⼀家专业⽣产与研发抛光材料的港资企业。 本公司拥有国内外先进的⽣产设备,采⽤国际先进的技术,由深耕⾦属表⾯处理⼗多年的欧洲设计团队⽣产研发。 |
Our Goal我们的目标
With professional technology and equipment, we produce a
variety of high quality
polishing materials including Cotton Buff, Sisal Buff,
Sisal Cord Brush, Nylon Disc,
Abrasive belt, etc.
Our company aims to provide our customers with high quality polishing equipment and services for the rapid development of customers market help. 本公司产品包括各种规格的⿇轮、⿇绳轮、布轮、尼⻰轮、砂带等。产品应⽤范围⼴,如不锈钢餐厨具、卫浴、灯饰、五⾦,⾸饰、家具等表⾯研磨抛光。 本公司坚持以信誉求⽣存,以质量求发展的经营理念,以最好的产品、最实惠的价格、最完善的售后服务为宗旨,竭诚为客⼾提供最优质的技术⽀持及研磨材料。 |